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La Voie Lactée (1969)

Comedy | 98 minutes
3,20 57 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 98 minuten

Alternative title: The Milky Way

Country: France / West Germany / Italy

Directed by: Luis Buñuel

Stars: Paul Frankeur, Laurent Terzieff and Michel Piccoli

IMDb score: 7,3 (8.273)

Releasedate: 28 February 1969


La Voie Lactée plot

A pilgrimage of two vagabonds takes them through all the excesses and forms of heresy that have existed since the birth of Christianity. This results in a surreal series of episodes, visions, encounters and dreams in which religion is the sole target of hard satire.

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If you get to know Luis Buñuel's work over the years, you will find that he likes to kick the Catholic Church. That has already resulted in a very nice film a few times and this is no different, although La Voie Lactée is not one of his best work as far as I am concerned.

At times I found the film a bit disjointed, but overall the two bums play the biggest role. Together they meet all sorts of strange characters, end up in strange situations and the church regularly gets knocked down. Although the one situation is more absurd than the other and not every passage is equally fun, fortunately the majority can be called more than successful. The typical (black) humour, which characterizes Buñuel, also passes by here and I still like to watch it.

It also helps that the two bums even have something comical about them. There is a lot of originality and creativity in the story and although I didn't understand everything, it didn't get boring for a second and I still had a good time with it. So a bit strange but nice, is my conclusion to this story.


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This film about two wanderers on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela has been revised again after more than 20 years. I was still enthusiastic about it about 20 years ago, but now this film, which is mainly intended as a satire on the Roman Catholic church, seems very dated to me. Well, who still believes in those Roman Catholic dogmas in 2017? Nobody seems to me, but that was in 1969 when the Roman Catholic Church still had a lot of power, of course, a bit different, although changes would not be long in coming, partly as a result of the resistance against the old conservative societies with their moralistic ideals regarding religion and authority. A real sixties film, so this film by Bunuel, which was very popular with the progressive movement at the time.

Besides the fact that the story in this film is outdated, there is also little to enjoy visually. It all looks pretty ugly.

This film will be screened on Sunday 5 November in Filmtheater 't Hoogt :: Films - Specials - FILMFESTIVAL CINEMA CAMINO movies about that famous pilgrimage that I walked myself.

Rating: from 4.0* to 3.0*

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On a pilgrimage, the journey is more important than the final destination. On their long journey, the two pilgrims meet people of various backgrounds, who usually have something to say about religion. It is not a total rejection of the religious, but of dogmatic Catholicism and medieval theology. Literal quotes from the Bible and scholastic writings are used to expose the absurdity of Church views on transubstantiation and the Trinity. On the other hand, there are simple people who get visions and stories of miracles. The conclusion seems to be that you should not approach the divine in a rational way, but in an intuitive way.

There are some absurdities in it, such as a bystander hearing a shot that only happens in someone's imagination. As is often the case with Buñuel, the realistic, the supernatural and the fantasized are intertwined. There are nice secondary roles for Michel Piccoli as the Marquis de Sade and Delphine Seyrig as a prostitute. Extensive roads, inns and medieval architecture form a beautiful backdrop.

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