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Book Club: The Next Chapter (2023)

Comedy | 107 minutes
2,31 40 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 107 minuten

Alternative title: Book Club 2: The Next Chapter

Country: United States

Directed by: Bill Holderman

Stars: Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda and Candice Bergen

IMDb score: 5,6 (8.241)

Releasedate: 11 May 2023

Book Club: The Next Chapter plot

"Slightly scandalous. Totally fabulous."

After their book club is turned upside down by 'Fifty Shades of Grey', four friends Diane, Vivian, Sharon and Carol take a trip to Italy. Vivian has been asked to marry her old flame Arthur and the bookworms want to celebrate generously. But when things go off the rails and secrets are revealed, their relaxing journey turns into a wild adventure.

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  • 34 messages
  • 39 votes

4 girlfriends have found love again in the previous film (Which I have not seen). Now they all face choices in life and what helps better than a road trip!

Beautifully filmed, very romantic, really funny at times and it gives me a lot less stress about the next 30 years of my life.

I think the poster already gives you a good indication of whether you should put it on. When in doubt, grab the trailer. They both perfectly convey the atmosphere and humor of the film. I enjoyed it!

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Now that the covid pandemic is over, the four best friends from The Book Club meet Carol [Mary Steenburgen] for the first time in a long time. When Vivian [Jane Fonda] announces to everyone's surprise that she has become engaged to Arthur [Don Johnson], the ladies consider this a great opportunity to make a trip to Italy, which was canceled years ago due to circumstances, as a bachelor party. The ladies naturally experience the necessary crazy and/or romantic adventures in an unpretentious binocular that makes no attempt to reinvent the wheel. Predictable up to and including, but the roles are perfectly matched to the considerable talents of the four protagonists. The combination of craftsmanship and visible pleasure makes this completely painless entertainment, especially for fans of Fonda, Keaton, Steenburgen and Candice Bergen.

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Bar and angry. I'd like to leave it at this!

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