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Dungeons & Dragons (2000)

Adventure | 107 minutes
1,88 523 votes

Genre: Adventure / Fantasy

Duration: 107 minuten

Country: United States / Czech Republic

Directed by: Courtney Solomon

Stars: Jeremy Irons, Thora Birch and Marlon Wayans

IMDb score: 3,7 (36.935)

Releasedate: 8 December 2000

Dungeons & Dragons plot

"This is no game"

The young Empress of Izmer, Savina, wants equality and prosperity for her subjects. The evil Magician Profion is after her power. To stay in control of Profion, Savina must search for Savrille's staff. If she possesses these, she will have power over the mighty Red Dragons.

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  • 2403 messages
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Thora Birch was the biggest downside to the entire movie with her miserable acting, the rest of the crew respectably tried their best to make it work anyway (Jeremy Irons just did a good job as the villain). I didn't watch this movie thinking I was seeing a good movie, rather cheap entertainment and that worked out fine.

Well, the special effects were subpar and a lot of things didn't fit with the game (played it myself for a number of years) or were just annoying and annoying (I call Marlon Wayans, these kinds of characters don't belong in a fantasy setting). However, many parts were quite funny and sometimes even exciting (the final battle on the tower for example).

From an objective point of view this is a dredging film, fortunately objectivity is an illusion and I can give the film 3 stars subjectively for the enormous amount of entertainment.

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If it was said here that Dungeons And Dragons has the ugliest animated dragons in movie history, I would completely agree. Dungeons And Dragons is definitely not the worst movie of all time! I understand that this film does not have to count on a warm reception, but many reactions are very overwhelming. Dungeons And Dragons is not a good movie. Sword and sorcery is also not a good genre, because it is a collection of bad elements with a gay elf sauce poured over it. However, there are people (myself included) who just find this sort of thing quite brilliant. Would Dungeons And Dragons have come out ten years earlier, he would definitely have been more appreciated. In 2000 you really couldn't get by with this.

I myself belong to the select club that likes to participate in a session of the (role) game dungeons & Dragons. It will probably count in the assessment. Usually such adventures are not much better than these kinds of movies. The characters are made of cardboard. You immediately see who the bad guys are and who are good. The acting is also good. Only Jeremy Irons is doing well and seems to be enjoying it quite a bit. The rest is mostly fun. Again, I myself quickly enough in these kinds of films, but I can imagine that I have few allies in that. Nevertheless, the sets (with the exception of everything digital) look fine. D&D'ers will recognize a number of things, but there are also plenty of elements that are completely wrong. A bit of a shame that there is a beholder in it, but otherwise it just floats past. Besides, I missed the easy scum (orcs, goblins and the like), although Dungeons & Dragons is generally a pretty entertaining movie. Very predictable of course.

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