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Hard Rain (1998)

Action | 97 minutes
2,84 738 votes

Genre: Action / Crime

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom / Denmark / France / Japan / New Zealand

Directed by: Mikael Salomon

Stars: Christian Slater, Morgan Freeman and Minnie Driver

IMDb score: 5,9 (38.039)

Releasedate: 16 January 1998

Hard Rain plot

"In the worst storm in living memory, one guard stands between five men and three million dollars."

During a major flood, truck guard Tom is ambushed by the criminal Jim in a small village. Tom manages to escape with the money and hides it. In a panic, he tells the sheriff where he has hidden the money, after which he is locked up. Tom now has to make sure he gets the money, keeps himself alive, and outsmarts the sheriff, Jim, and his crew.

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“Look! We just want the money! You guys can walk away, we won't kill you!”

Nice. I've seen Hard Rain a lot in the past and as an unpretentious action/disaster movie it all remains very entertaining. The constant downpours and all the water creates a chilling and foreboding atmosphere, and it visibly does the movie good. Randy Quaid and Morgan Freeman are great in the movie, and Slater is also good as a main character. My love for Minnie Driver also started with this movie. In Hard Rain, she's just a badass woman who effortlessly holds her own between all that testosterone.

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What's your plan General Schwarzkopf?

Ever had huge expectations after our eyes were spoiled with Face/off and this film was presented a year later as the action stunner of that year. But alas, Hard Rain is nice but not top notch.

The atmosphere and setting with the flooding and heavy rainfall is not surprising and sometimes it looks really nice. Cinematically there are also a few very nice recordings and the music is strongly reminiscent of The Fugitive, that harmonica almost hurts the ears at the beginning, for a moment I also thought it was a synthesizer. All in all, the story is a bit too thin, the characters don't really get much depth, although Driver looks nice as always and Freeman of course does his very best. It stays too flat, the characters look very full of color in the cold and water they've been floating around in for hours, the sheriff decides very suddenly to go for his own interests but the most rapid is the change in terms of thought of Phil holding the sherriff at gunpoint one minute and then suddenly joining in. The church fire is not very good by the way. Also striking how much ammunition, soaked and all, can apparently be carried.

End result is reasonable, not high quality, nice action and a bit of suspense. Nice brainless road viewer that I think could have been made a little more.

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Despite the fine flooded sets and atmospheric images, the film drowns in clichés, bad one-liners and superficial characters. That old couple was the low point. The action scenes looked quite spectacular and the sheriff who unexpectedly turns his vest and goes for the money was surprising to me. There are certainly positive points to report. It's best to sit out for an hour and a half to pass the time, but don't think I'll ever watch that film again.

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