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Cannonball Run II (1984)

Action | 108 minutes
1,94 283 votes

Genre: Action / Comedy

Duration: 108 minuten

Alternative title: Op de Snelweg Breekt de Hel Wéér Los

Country: United States / Hong-Kong

Directed by: Hal Needham

Stars: Burt Reynolds, Dom DeLuise and Dean Martin

IMDb score: 5,1 (18.030)

Releasedate: 29 June 1984

Cannonball Run II plot

"The popcorn's in the lobby. The nuts are on the screen."

The Arabs, who did not win in the first part, want another chance, but there is no race this year. That is why they are organizing a new race for a million dollars. Everyone is back in the game: JJ and Captain Chaos, the fast car girls, the gamblers dressed as cops and the Japanese with their super car. New this time are a bunch of crazy people with a monkey as a driver. But before the finish is even in sight, there are a lot of difficulties to overcome. For example, the Sheik is kidnapped by a gang from Las Vegas.

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Very bland movie, with a lot of familiar faces participating in this race. There were still some funny moments in between, mainly thanks to Jackie Chan and "Jaws" from James Bond, but the film is not really fun anywhere.


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He's not in the lead, but he's in it. Mr Jackie Chan.

Chan didn't really feel like this at all. Must have something to do with what he said in an interview: about the beginning at the set of the first movie. The actors, except for Burt Reynolds, didn't say hello to him on set. Some didn't even know him + he felt abandoned and he felt small between Reynolds, DeLuise, Martin, Davis Jr.). He was also totally destroyed by the American public. But he was contractually bound and had to join the sequel. But even after that, he felt undervalued.

Successful films often have a sequel. Cannonball Run became a box office success. Broke almost all records in America. So 3 years later there was a sequel. I don't think this is a flop. Pretty amusing sequel but not quite as good as the first movie. Again, this is just another lame movie. But all the best. Especially the cast with Catherine Bach (from Dukes of Hazzard) did well. Telly Savalas also did a great job and not to forget the role of Richard Kiel :').

For the rest, the film is quite some and very amusing entertainment. 3.0.

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After the successful first part, there was of course also a second part. Also in this part a whole battery of star cast passes by and there is also something to laugh about, but it is not much. The story is basically the same as the first part, but even more bland and boring. Apart from a few nice moments and especially the beauties Susan Anton and Catherine Bach (perhaps perfectly cast for this film because of her role in the then very popular series "The Dukes of Hazzard") as the Lamborghini team (beautiful car by the way) not much much to enjoy.

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