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Alien³ (1992)

Scifi | 114 minutes / 145 minutes ("Assembly Cut")

Genre: Scifi / Horror

Duration: 114 minuten / 145 minuten ("Assembly Cut")

Alternative title: Alien 3

Country: United States

Directed by: David Fincher

Stars: Sigourney Weaver, Charles S. Dutton and Charles Dance

IMDb score: 6,4 (336.733)

Releasedate: 22 May 1992

Alien³ plot

"The bitch is back."

Ripley (Weaver) runs aground with her spaceship in a prison colony. Unbeknownst to her, she accidentally took an Alien that was hiding on board. Now she must try to destroy the Alien with the help of the prisoners, but this is very difficult as they do not have any weapons.

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Lt. Ellen Louise Ripley

Leonard Dillon

Jonathan Clemens

David Postlethwaite

Francis Aaron

Walter Golic

Robert Morse

Lance Bishop

Harold Andrews

Arthur Walkingstick

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Many franchises often go downhill from the third film and the Alien series is no different. The first film is a masterpiece and the James Cameron sequel an excellent sequel. David Fincher was tasked with directing the third part using half scripts and a huge load of studio intervention. No wonder Fincher would rather forget Alien 3. And no wonder Alien 3 is quite a mess on screen too.

The best thing about Alien 3 is the tone. Fincher doesn't embroider on the tone of James Cameron's Aliens, but goes back to the dark tone of the first film. At times, Alien 3 is even grittier than the original. And even though he was given little freedom, in terms of style you can see that there was a talented filmmaker behind the camera. A film-maker who ran away during the editing and that's the weakest part of the film. The pacing of the film isn't right, the film hops from scene to scene, but nowhere are you drawn into the story. This is partly because few characters are fascinating, but also because rhythm is completely lacking. The film is also not fun to watch, the entertainment value is very low and the tension is largely wrong. In that respect, it lacks the two strengths of the previous two films with suspense and entertainment. The Assembly Cut straightens out certain things in the story, but doesn't really make it a better movie.

2.5 stars.

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“There's definitely something in here with us!”

Seen the 'Assembly Cut'. And after seeing Alien 3 I was still a bit with mixed feelings. The acting is strong, the location is beautifully designed, some parts are genuinely exciting and as the closing piece to Ripley's 'character arc' Alien 3 works perfectly. Alien is horror, Aliens is action and Alien 3 is drama, and if you look at the movie that way it works.

But David Fincher never talks about Alien 3 and doesn't see it as his own movie, and I understand that. Because the studio and Weaver had a big finger in the pie, and Fincher's vision has increasingly been pushed into the background during the making of the film. The film also makes a few choices that don't turn out well. The choice to have Newt and Hicks die right at the beginning of the movie turns out to be disastrous, the new characters aren't too interesting, the Xenomorph looks fake, and the same goes for most special effects. But the main problem is that it lacks tension, and especially the last part seems to take forever. Fincher wanted to return to the claustrophobic suspense of Alien with this third part, but this is a lackluster. Fortunately, Weaver is back on track and with her shaved head she manages to carry the film effortlessly. Ripley is an icon, and her dazzling final scene is a appropriate ending for the character.

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This Alien3 is also fantastic. Obviously more subdued compared to Cameron's bloodcurdling action spectacle, but oh so sublime. The first few minutes hit hard, the characters are original, the atmosphere and tension are good and the Alien is different from what we've seen before. People who don't like this movie probably expected a superlative from Aliens, but it can't be beat. Fincher does it wonderfully, artfully and sublimely.

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