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Bad Boys (1983)

Drama | 123 minutes
3,48 373 votes

Genre: Drama / Crime

Duration: 123 minuten

Alternative title: Rotzakken

Country: United States

Directed by: Rick Rosenthal

Stars: Sean Penn, Reni Santoni and Jim Moody

IMDb score: 7,2 (17.706)

Releasedate: 25 March 1983

Bad Boys plot

"There's Only One Person Left Who Believes Mick O'Brien Can Make It... Mick O'Brien."

Mick O'Brian, a 16-year-old Chicago street fighter, is arrested after the murder of gang leader Paco Moreno's younger brother. He is placed in a maximum security prison. As he struggles to stand between murderers and rapists, Paco takes revenge on him by raping his girlfriend. Paco is caught and placed in the same prison Mick is in for a miscarriage of justice. What follows is a life-and-death confrontation between the two.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Mick O’Brien

Ramon Herrera

Gene Daniels

Paco Moreno

J. C. Walenski

Viking Lofgren

Warden Bendix

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  • 9431 messages
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Strong prison drama with a still young Sean Penn, who plays the role of young street criminal O'Brien and ends up in a closed penal institution after a crime that got out of hand (in which a child accidentally dies). A person does not get better there: he has to compete with other inmates and stand his ground. Bad Boys has a gritty, violent, some would say clichéd, prison atmosphere. However, the film does not fall into all traps and involves a few twists that make the film finish as it should: Penn's girlfriend, Paco Moreno and prison staff who have a human side. This is indeed the better prison movie.

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  • 845 messages
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Good eighties prison film, which deviated from the genre because the staff were not even portrayed as corrupt, indifferent or incompetent fools. For the rest it was a fairly hard film, this film accelerated Penn's career. Not only from Penn, Brown also developed after this film as a gifted actor who already has many good supporting roles to his name.

Rosenthal was predicted to have a great career after this film, a pity that he then chose very commercially by working in the TV world.

The film exudes a violent, gloomy atmosphere and also has few positive moments, but that makes this film stand out above the standard prison films.

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wizard of midian

  • 151 messages
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A tough and realistic prison film.

A young Sean Penn who plays very strong in this film, other famous actors Ramon Herrera and Clancy Brown... .

Recommended for fans of raw violence.

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