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Hamill (2010)

Biography | 108 minutes
3,36 21 votes

Genre: Biography / Sport

Duration: 108 minuten

Alternative title: The Hammer

Country: United States

Directed by: Oren Kaplan

Stars: Russell Harvard, Raymond J. Barry and Shoshannah Stern

IMDb score: 6,9 (1.896)

Releasedate: 26 October 2010


Hamill plot

"He knew he could be a champion. They knew he could be much more."

The story is about the struggles and successes of Matt Hamill who has only one goal: to become a champion! Matt is deaf and therefore an outsider everywhere. Through sheer determination, he uses his handicap as an added asset to become the first deaf wrestler to win the National Collegiate Championship, inspiring both hearing and deaf athletes.

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