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X-Men (2000)

Action | 104 minutes / 111 minutes ("X-Men 1.5")
3,43 3.153 votes

Genre: Action / Scifi

Duration: 104 minuten / 111 minuten ("X-Men 1.5")

Alternative title: X-Men 1.5

Country: United States

Directed by: Bryan Singer

Stars: Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman and Ian McKellen

IMDb score: 7,3 (667.120)

Releasedate: 13 July 2000

X-Men plot

"Trust a few. Fear the rest."

Mutants, people with a different genetic makeup, which gives them very special powers. Some people see it as a gift from heaven, others as a curse. Professor Charles Xavier and his team belong to the first group and try to raise young mutants at Xavier's school with their special powers. But not every mutant uses his powers for good. For example, the people-hating Eric Lensherr, aka Magneto, wants to use his powers to wipe out humanity. It's up to Xavier and his team to stop Magneto.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Charles Xavier / Professor X

Logan / Wolverine

Eric Lehnsherr / Magneto

Anna Marie / Rogue

Ororo Munroe / Storm

Scott Summers / Cyclops

Senator Kelly

Raven Darkholme / Mystique

Victor Creed / Sabretooth

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avatar van Duke Nukem

Duke Nukem

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This movie just can't hold my attention. After a sad start in a Nazi concentration camp, we get a very quick introduction to the various X-people, with a special focus on the Wolverine struggling with his inner demons. The tone is very serious and rather dejected.

Often superhero films do not find the right balance between comic book fun and realism or a good story, and I think this film leans too much towards dullness and seriousness. The little attempts at humor don't come across well either, like when Wolverine says to Professor Xavier: "What's your name, wheels?" The SFX are not great, especially the fight on the statue of liberty[ /spoiler] where you can almost see them dangling from the wires.

Hugh Jackman clearly hasn't grown into his role in this movie yet, he puts in a much better performance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009). At least I can understand people's distaste for the mutants. It is not at all obvious that people with superpowers always have good motivations, as it turns out. Famke Janssen is quite good as Jean Grey, and looks gorgeous as always. That is another plus for this film.

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avatar van Roger Thornhill

Roger Thornhill

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An interesting but not really exciting start, in which I can actually put a minus against every plus. The X-Men themselves are quite intriguing, but the villain leader is far more captivating than the hero's boss, and anyway Ian McKellen plays as strong as ever - his whole appearance actually makes his abilities quite plausible. Patrick Stewart is a pretty boring actor, but with the bad guys I can't possibly take Sabretooth's dull Wolf Man grime seriously. And who invented that Halle Berry wig anyway? The FX are fine (the way Senator Kelly leaves the movie!), with the important exception of all those explosions of light at the end, and the importance of the serious underlying theme of (in)tolerance towards misfits is then offset. again the misplaced babe content of the four actresses. According to wikipedia, this film cost $75 million and nearly quadrupled in revenue, which was enough to warrant a sequel; At the end of this film, I wholeheartedly hoped that the successor would be better than this, because as a run-up this film is not bad, but it is nowhere near the level of what we are used to from Marvel in 2020.

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"What's a Magneto?"

No, this movie really doesn't bother me at all. I'm quite a fan of the superhero genre, but this is still very campy, just like the Raimi trilogy.

Although I've watched the Raimi trilogy from day 1, I never really got around to watching this franchise except for 'Logan' and 'Origins'.

Visually, the film will probably have looked pretty tight in 2000, just like the Raimi trilogy at the time. Only now we are used to different standards, with regard to the entire effects. The film looks very dated on many fronts, as do the fight scenes. It's certainly not an ugly movie, but it didn't age very well to put it that way.

The plot is also really thin and something we've been thrown to death with over the past decade. Before that time we might have seen this less often, but now I can only give this a big negative. Because it never gets exciting or interesting, it's all very predictable. The film is otherwise entertaining in a way, partly due to the short running time, but it all just doesn't look good enough to make up for it. It's all just too wooden.

Also, some mutants look really stupid. Take for example 'Sabretooth' and 'Toad'. Two very boring and stupid characters. 'Toad' in particular doesn't really make any sense at all, with his path powers. Why would you add someone like that at all? I don't like Rogue either, as does Cyclops. I thought Anna Paquin was pretty weak/flat acting anyway, just like everyone else, except for Jackman and McKellen. Mystique and Storm can be pretty cool mutants, but with these effects it just doesn't come out very well. If it was intended as a comedy, I would have understood it, but the film does take itself very seriously.

No, this movie is not for me. I think I would have liked to see a slightly darker tone here. I loved Logan! Love that brutal R-rated Gore.

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