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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

Adventure | 179 minutes / 223 minutes (extended edition)
4,16 9.365 votes

Genre: Adventure / Fantasy

Duration: 179 minuten / 223 minuten (extended edition)

Country: New Zealand / United States

Directed by: Peter Jackson

Stars: Elijah Wood, John Rhys-Davies and Viggo Mortensen

IMDb score: 8,8 (1.852.130)

Releasedate: 18 December 2002

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers plot

"The fellowship is broken. The power of darkness grows..."

Hobbits Frodo (Elijah Wood) and Sam (Sean Astin) move on toward Mordor to complete their task of destroying the mighty One Ring that the evil Sauron is seeking. The remaining members of the Fellowship are still recovering from the fate of Gandalf (Ian McKellen), while Aragorn (Viggo Mortensen), Legolas (Orlando Bloom) and Gimli (John Rhys-Davies) follow the trail of kidnapped friends, Merry (Dominic Monaghan) and Pippin (Billy Boyd).

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This second part has been part of my personal top ten for years and after the umpteenth revision it is once again confirmed that this is more than justified.

This movie always remembers me as the movie with the battle of Helms Deep, which in my opinion is the best battle of the entire trilogy. The moment that the huge Urukhai army stands at the gates is very impressive and it remains very exciting, even after many viewings. All that with bombastic music underneath and an immense downpour, Jackson creates the perfect atmosphere for a battle like this.

This part is also the part in which Gollum is assigned a major role. As Sam and Frodo's guide, he provides a menacing, but also a comic note. Struggling with his personality, which is quite split, I think he is a welcome addition to the story.

Gimli the dwarf has always been one of my favorite characters, especially because of the comedic aspect he adds. Some great one-liners come out of his mouth in this movie.

Furthermore, I've seen it all many times, but just like with the other parts it really doesn't get boring for a second. This trilogy is so close to absolute perfection that I greatly admire Jackson for this project. Everything has been taken care of down to the last detail, including the camera work and the directing of the battles. Everything looks great strong.

Of course the five big stars remain.

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Duke Nukem

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Now also reviewed the second LOTR movie and I like it. Beautiful locations in New Zealand. More action than in the first part. The CGI of the Gollum is very inconclusive. I continue to find Elijah Wood an annoying little fellow with his big eyes and playing good Hendrik, and also that fat one who travels with him. Orlando Bloom once again shows that he is not a strong actor (as was evident from the Pirates films). However, Viggo Mortensen, Ian McKellen and of course Christopher Lee are top notch. I think this film is almost as good as the first in the trilogy, but of course you have to watch them all one after the other because it forms a continuous story.

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