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Pie in the Sky (1994-1997)

5 seasons
No votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: Andrew Payne

Stars: Malcolm Sinclair, Richard Griffiths and Maggie Steed

IMDb score: 7,7 (2.234)

Releasedate: Sunday 13 March 1994


This TV Show is not available on US streaming services.


Pie in the Sky plot

Henry Crabbe is a police detective in Middleton, Westershire. He is nearing retirement and can't wait to quit the police force and make his big dream come true. He really wants to open his own restaurant, Pie in the Sky. However, due to a very unfortunate set of circumstances, Henry has to stay on as a detective for a while, although he also decides to start his duties as chef in his own new restaurant.

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