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A Touch of Frost (1992-2010)

15 seasons
4,02 391 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: R.D. Wingfield

Stars: David Jason, Bruce Alexander and John Lyons

IMDb score: 7,9 (9.019)

Releasedate: Sunday 6 December 1992

A Touch of Frost plot

A Touch of Frost follows the life of Inspector Jack Frost. Frost is a somewhat controversial police inspector who invariably achieves his goal by means of lawful or illegal means: to catch crooks. Frost is on the outside a hard man who mainly has to rely on his intuition. Frost usually tries to find the culprit by looking for his motives.

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Opinions about A Touch of Frost

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.

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  • 711 votes
Friday 21 July 2017
A Touch of Frost season 1

Jack Frost is a real grumbler with his heart in the right place and an instinctive way of acting with which he often clashes with (especially) his boss Mullett. Perhaps all quite typical, but David Jason portrays it perfectly, and the regular supporting roles of John Lyons (George Toolan) and Bruce Alexander (Mullett) are also very worthwhile. Furthermore, many well-known British heads who make their appearance as perpetrators or otherwise as temporary colleagues.

I prefer the atmosphere of the first seasons, where you are constantly immersed in a desolate Denton, an apparently fictional town (there are many called that in Britain). However, it is all shot in Leeds.

The things in themselves are very interesting, there are usually two or three things mixed up and that increases the viewing pleasure, because partly because of that it never feels forced. Completely agree with my predecessor that it is an excellent combination of mystery (whodunnit) and drama; nothing (in)human is alien to the writer(s). Based on the books / character of RD Wingfield - BoekMeter.nl^.

A real, deserved British classic. Thick four stars.

^ However, this one was not happy with David Jason: "he just isn't my Frost". Too bad for him.

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avatar of HALVE TAMME.


  • 970 votes
Thursday 24 November 2016
A Touch of Frost season 1

''Nice cop show.''

Good cast, believable acting, exciting, nice combination
of drama / mystery and also the atmosphere in each episode shown
extremely realistic.

4 solid stars from my side for 'A Touch of Frost'.

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