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Blue Lights - Season 1 (2023)

3,86 35 votes

Show title: Blue Lights

IMDb score: 8,2 (14.989)

Episodes: 6

Playing time: 5 hour and 07 minutes

Developed by: Adam Patterson, Declan Lawn, Stephen Wright and Louise Gallagher

Stars: Sian Brooke, Katherine Devlin and Nathan Braniff

Origin: United Kingdom

Releasedate: Monday 27 March 2023

First aired on: BBC One (Verenigd Koninkrijk)

Blue Lights plot

'Blue Lights' tells the story of three police officers in training in Northern Ireland. They are assigned to Blackthorn Station in Belfast, a city where being a community police officer comes with a lot of pressure and a unique set of dangers. One of the new agents, Grace Ellis, is a mother in her 40s. She gave up her job as a social worker to join the police force, but after only a few weeks she wonders if she made the right decision. The other newcomers, Annie Conlon and Tommy Foster, also struggle with the immense pressure of the track.

Episodes Season 1 (2023)

  1. 1. The Code

    27 March 2023 (52 minutes)

  2. 2. Bad Batch

    3 April 2023 (51 minutes)

  3. 3. The Fear

    10 April 2023 (51 minutes)

  4. 4. Full Moon Fever

    17 April 2023 (51 minutes)

  5. 5. The Q Word

    24 April 2023 (51 minutes)

  6. 6. Love the One You're With

    1 May 2023 (51 minutes)

Full cast & crew

Actors and Actresses

David 'Jonty' Johnston

PC Grace Ellis

Stevie Neil

Angela Mackle

Helen McNally

Jen Robinson

James McIntyre

Sandra Cliff

Reviews & comments

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  • 649 messages
  • 435 votes

The six-part police drama Blue Lights is set in Belfast. Not only a politically and socially difficult environment for a police officer, but also an extremely dangerous one given the increasing drug violence. Blue Lights is very good. What works well is the interaction between the three barely prepared agents in training and their more experienced colleagues. Of great added value is the ample attention to the personal backgrounds of the rookies. The wheel is not reinvented in Blue Lights, but the doubts and fears are convincingly portrayed. Blue Lights has a fast pace with quite a few storylines during the first season. Storylines that are not always well rounded (including those of everyday racism). Credibility is also under pressure here and there.

But it is exciting. This is mainly due to the excellent screenplay by makers Declan Lawn and Adam Patterson, who previously worked on The Salisbury Poisonings and The Undeclared War. The somewhat older newby Grace Ellis (played by Siân Brooke - Trying, The Terror) also adds a dimension through her experience and natural persuasiveness. Comparable to the best British series such as Happy Valley, The Responder and Line of Duty, Blue Lights is a small highlight in the 2023 series season.

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  • 6259 messages
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Only six episodes in this first season of this excellent Irish police series, but each one is worth watching. In fact, everything just gets better as the plot lines progress. The characters are fascinating from the moment they are introduced and the series is also visually very strong. And the best news: there will be a second series!

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