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XO, Kitty (2023-2025)

2 seasons
3,13 8 votes

State: Returning Series

Genre: Comedy

Origin: United States

Developed by: Jenny Han

Stars: Anna Cathcart, Choi Min-yeong and Gia Kim

IMDb score: 6,5 (18.510)

Releasedate: Thursday 18 May 2023


XO, Kitty plot

As a young matchmaker, sixteen-year-old Katherine 'Kitty' Song Covey thinks she knows everything about love. When she's ready to make her own mark on the world, Kitty decides to leave her Portland, Oregon home behind. She attends the same school her mother attended: the Korean Independent School in Seoul. Not only does Kitty try to learn more about her mother's life there, she also hopes to reconnect with her long-distance boyfriend Dae. In Seoul, love guru Kitty quickly realizes that relationships are a lot more complicated when your own heart is on the line.

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