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Silo (2023-2025)

2 seasons
3,67 82 votes

State: Returning Series

Genre: Scifi

Origin: United States

Developed by: Graham Yost

Stars: Rebecca Ferguson, Iain Glen and Tim Robbins

IMDb score: 8,1 (146.984)

Releasedate: Friday 5 May 2023

Silo plot

In a devastated and toxic future, there exists a community that lives in a giant silo hundreds of stories deep underground. In this silo, men and women live in a society full of rules that they believe are meant to protect them. After the sheriff breaks a cardinal rule and residents mysteriously die, engineer Juliette begins to uncover shocking secrets and the truth about the silo.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Robert Sims

Martha Walker

Lukas Kyle

Paul Billings

George Wilkins

Patrick Kennedy

Dr. Pete Nichols

Deputy Sam Marnes

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Opinions about Silo

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.

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  • 6 votes
Friday 30 June 2023
Silo season 1

Just watched the end of S1. Surprising, but then again not. Nice series, keeps you interested. Don't expect blood-curdling action and sometimes it is even a bit long-winded, but the acting is fine, the story is something else and nothing is actually what it seems. Fine series. If there is an S2 I will definitely look further.

dutch flagTranslated from Dutch · View original


  • 357 votes
Saturday 1 July 2023
Silo season 1

I'm also going to watch this series soon, I hope it can't be compared to the horrible series The last of us because then it will stop soon....

dutch flagTranslated from Dutch · View original