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Screamers (1995)

Scifi | 108 minutes
2,80 366 votes

Genre: Scifi / Horror

Duration: 108 minuten

Country: Canada / United States / Japan

Directed by: Christian Duguay

Stars: Peter Weller, Roy Dupuis and Jennifer Rubin

IMDb score: 6,3 (30.327)

Releasedate: 8 September 1995

Screamers plot

"The last scream you hear will be your own."

On a remote mining planet, a new weapon has been invented during years of war: self-evolving robots that attack and kill enemies. However, this project has gotten out of hand, and the robots are now killing all living things. Colonel Hendricksson, one of the Alliance's few survivors, has been betrayed by his superiors and now wants to negotiate with the enemy. To do so, however, he must first traverse a vast swamp, where the Alliance's robots themselves are a greater threat than the enemy.

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  • 9441 messages
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Not bad and indeed underrated. When a form of artificial intelligence (developed for warfare) begins to develop autonomously on planet Sirius 6B, the two warring factions begin to work together. I found the story a bit vague, but visually it is well done and it captivated me wonderfully. I've seen much worse in this genre. Fans of SF and action should give this a shot anyway.

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I've always ignored this one because the cover screamed "b-movie" so much...yet this is really one of the better ones of its kind. Moreover, an adaptation of a fine short story, Second Variety, by the unparalleled sci-fi writer Philip K Dick, whose work I have enjoyed a lot. The story goes a lot further than that short story because otherwise you would certainly not reach such a playing time, it would rather become a kind of Twilight Zone episode of half an hour.

Peter Weller is fine and carries the film quite a bit because otherwise there is little to enjoy of acting, the film would have improved a lot with a much better cast. The special effects vary a lot, from good (excellent stop motion of the reptilian mobile sword) to very mediocre (the exploding screamers in the end). The sets are a bit sober but also well made. Costumes downright boring. The soundtrack is sparse and doesn't last. Sound effects meritorious, but you certainly don't get goosebumps.

There is also too much tension. You have to consider that The Terminator was very loosely based on Second Variety and only a master like James Cameron (along with an inspired Brad Fiedel) could make a wonderfully atmospheric and exciting film, with a budget that was 3x lower than the Screamers budget. That movie also had bad effects here and there, but it was done so much better all in all. And you do have a problem if you want to make a film that tries a bit the same in certain respects.

Finally, the plot has the downside that it never becomes clear how the Screamers become hostile against the Alliance, which they created themselves.. There is also too much rushing at the end. Otherwise just a very reasonable sf, with interesting ideas, which unfortunately remains just too much on the surface.

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knusse stoel

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"Screamers" did not disappoint us at all and was a film that sometimes made us jump, showed unexpected turns in the story and where a beautiful decor was built around it. Peter Weller is a fine actor and in this film he also showed that he was far from forgotten that trick.

The rest of the crew does their job but that's about it, they could have "run a little faster" in some parts of the film.

A fairly exciting SF film that offers the viewer enough and which we rate with a large 7!

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