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The Sure Thing (1985)

Romance | 100 minutes
3,22 129 votes

Genre: Romance / Comedy

Duration: 100 minuten

Alternative title: De Enige Echte

Country: United States

Directed by: Rob Reiner

Stars: John Cusack, Daphne Zuniga and Tim Robbins

IMDb score: 7,0 (22.737)

Releasedate: 1 March 1985


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


The Sure Thing plot

"A sure thing comes once in a lifetime... but the real thing lasts forever."

When first-year student Walter Gibson hears from his best friend that he has arranged his dream woman, he decides to spend the Christmas vacation at home in California. He arranges a lift, but is not the only passenger. A fellow student of Walter, Alison Bradbury, has the same destiny. The 2 do not match at all, but that gradually changes during the journey from east to west.

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An early work by Reiner and it also feels a bit unpolished.

I often find the characters in Reiner's films very strong, but with Cusack I really had trouble getting into it. Zuniga does a very nice job from minute 1. Fortunately, Cusack becomes less annoying during the road trip and Reiner can focus on the beautiful little moments that often make his films so enjoyable. Too bad the film takes a while to get going.

Not a high-flyer, but in the Sure Thing Reiner lays a foundation for his later (almost) masterpieces.


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net The Sure Thing is a fun teen comedy with two pleasant leads of John Cusack and Daphne Zuniga who are on their way to sunny California together. The strength of the film is the excellent representation of the contrast between the two characters. The comedy mainly arises from the fact that the two do not like each other at all and constantly argue through the film.

Of course, this teen romantic comedy is predictable, but that hardly bothered me. The way in which the predictable is shown is so dynamic and fresh that the events along the way are fun and remain fun for a long time. It helps that the film pays real attention to its characters, who are constructed from little more than a few sheets of cardboard. The more than superficial attention paid to the characters is very pleasant to watch.

The humor is almost never banal and almost never sarcastic. That's not to say the humor is prudish or can't be prickly. No. It just says that the film does not opt for easy humor. The Sure Thing offers more than just humorous scenes. The film is a nice mix of comedy and empathetic seriousness, with a little more depth to the characters and the story than you would expect after reading the plot description.

Nice movie.

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On a production level, it's all professional and beautifully polished. Beautiful pictures and the right music. But the story doesn't really get off the ground (just like the characters). It's a mix of drama, romance and comedy. However, the humor is very light and well-behaved compared to many contemporaries, which gives the film a dragging character for me. The kind of relationship between John Cusack and Daphne Zuniga (remembered from Melrose Place) did not seem credible to me. Or at least not how they played it. It all colors too neatly within the lines.

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