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Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road (2002)

Roadmovie | 112 minutes
3,46 212 votes

Genre: Road movie / Comedy

Duration: 112 minuten

Country: Canada / United States

Directed by: Bob Gale

Stars: Gary Oldman, Chris Cooper and James Marsden

IMDb score: 7,5 (38.282)

Releasedate: 13 April 2002

Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road plot

"It began as a wish, became an adventure, and ended as the ultimate road trip."

Neal Oliver (James Marsden) is a young draftsman whose father would rather see him study at Oxford. He is plunged into a bizarre and unexpected adventure when he meets the sadistic half-gnome OW Grant (Gary Oldman). He offers Neal to grant a wish and the dreamer Neal goes for the ax hard. He wants answers to all his questions! OW Grant sends him on the non-existent Interstate 60 to non-existent Danver. Along the way, he hopes that the billboards will lead him to the woman of his dreams, but whether his wish will really come true...

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  • 8 messages
  • 8 votes

What an unexpectedly good movie this was! There's probably plenty to complain about, but he looks so good. Wonderful feel-good road movie.

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Lord Flashheart

  • 6454 messages
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Apparently a somewhat forgotten film.

The road movie genre experienced a strong revival, especially in the years around the turn of the millennium. Think of titles like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) or The Straight Story (1999) and more teen/student oriented titles like Road Trip[/i ] (2000), [i]Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle (2004) or EuroTrip (2004). Interstate 60 falls somewhere in between, but has been forgotten given the low number of votes and the few responses. Unjustified if you ask me.

At first glance the film seems to be heading in the direction of, for example, Harold & Kumar. Another student looking for love and meaning. Let the crazy adventures come, you think. However, Interstate 60 soon turns out to be the odd one out. The atmosphere is alienating, sometimes almost surreal. The gnome - a great role by Gary Oldman - goes from funny to crazy and almost creepy. The film doesn't really go anywhere and that is the only point of criticism: everything is very easy for our rich son.

Yet the adventures he and his traveling companions experience along the way are more than worth it. In fact, they are all episodes of series like The Outer Limits, The Twilight Zone or even Eerie Indiana, piece by piece. Anyone who used to like that kind of black comedy/horror/fantasy series will certainly enjoy this. Some stories also offer fun social commentary, such as the Euphoria drug city or the Museum of Art Fraud.

Unfortunately, not all adventures are equally interesting and the ending feels a bit too lazy. Nevertheless, this film is definitely recommended. Cramped 4****

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Been waiting for a long time but finally watched it! A film with a pleasant pace that touches on several genres. Interstate 60 starts off in a fairly standard way with standard characters but some time later becomes a bizarre journey with characters that are a lot more interesting and mysterious.
As a viewer you keep wondering where the journey will take you and every time you think it couldn't get any weirder, the film manages to take it one step further.

It is a pity that the last 20 minutes drag more and there is a very sweet and "easy" ending. Compared to the journey that precedes this, it pales into insignificance.

Certainly not a perfect film, but a film that is not easy to predict (with the exception of of the ending), an original and largely creatively developed whole.
Nice too, those little references to Detour (1945) (The film on the TV in the bar)


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