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Angel-A (2005)

Comedy | 88 minutes
3,50 197 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 88 minuten

Country: France

Directed by: Luc Besson

Stars: Jamel Debbouze, Rie Rasmussen and Gilbert Melki

IMDb score: 7,0 (35.981)

Releasedate: 21 December 2005

Angel-A plot

André (Debbouze) decides to end his life after being given until midnight to pay off his €40,000 debt. Arriving at the bridge where he wants to end it all, he notices a companion. After she jumps into the Seine, Andre instinctively jumps after her to save her. After her rescue, the woman (Angela) decides to stay by his side to solve his problems together.

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Le chef des malfrats

La femme de Saint-Lazare

Le malfrat

La mère d'Angela

Garde du corps Franck

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Zinema (crew films)

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But not much more than that.

I didn't think the story was very strong. Nevertheless, the execution is. Very beautifully shot and extremely atmospheric. Nice soundtrack too. The dialogues are also often very pleasant. The ending is a bit lame.


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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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Nice movie. Besson once again shows that he can handle black and white well. Not only that, the images with Debbouze and Rasmussen together are always enjoyable. The big blonde angel next to little André. Angela seems like a giant at times. The shots are always beautifully chosen and it is a wonder how you can create such beautiful images in a busy city like Paris. Or at least it makes it appear that it was filmed there. It provides a timeless fairy tale with plenty of spice. Even in 2018, this is far from outdated. The film takes you along and perfectly manages to maintain the balance between simplicity and impressive images with enough energy.

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I want to see this again soon.

Not because I really liked it. Although visually it is a bit tasty, I thought the black and white clashed a bit with the tone. Quite a classic appearance, while the story is presented in a somewhat playful way.

I think, just like Boenga, I needed some time to get used to the gradations of humor, fantasy, drama and romance. It's all there, but in a completely different proportion than expected. Too bad that, if you appreciate the tone, it turns out that the story itself is really wafer-thin, even a bit bland.

It is more difficult for me to estimate how good the acting is in non-English films, but I did not always find Rasmussen convincing. In addition, the chemistry between the two did not really come across. The last fifteen minutes (that tug-of-war on the bridge, followed by a ranting fit of crying from Angela) really wasn't necessary for me.

For the most part it's just a matter of walking around and marveling at beautiful shots, but in terms of content it is still disappointing. Currently 3*

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