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Le Bal (1983)

Music | 112 minutes
3,26 25 votes

Genre: Music

Duration: 112 minuten

Alternative titles: Ballando Ballando / Waar Mensen Elkaar Ontmoeten, Verlaten en Vergeten

Country: Italy / France / Algeria

Directed by: Ettore Scola

Stars: Christophe Allwright, Aziz Arbia and Marc Berman

IMDb score: 7,6 (3.116)

Releasedate: 21 December 1983


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Le Bal plot

The fifty-year story of a French dance hall, starting in the 1920s. It is always the same people who come there, both dancers and musicians. Through their dances, an insight is given into their personalities and the relevant time period.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

L'aristo / Le planqué / Le collaborationiste

Le jeune homme de banlieue

Le jeune professur

Le patron de la salle

Le jeune typographe


La jeune fleuriste

La livreuse d'une modiste

La fille de joie / la jeune juive / la refugiée

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