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Pearl (2022)

Horror | 103 minutes
3,18 403 votes

Genre: Drama / Horror

Duration: 103 minuten

Country: Canada / New Zealand / United States

Directed by: Ti West

Stars: Mia Goth, David Corenswet and Tandi Wright

IMDb score: 7,0 (133.881)

Releasedate: 16 September 2022

Pearl plot

"An X-traordinary origin story."

The story is set in the year 1918, decades before the events of 'X'. A very young Pearl already lives on her farm. However, she wants to flee the place there and dreams of a life as a movie star. To achieve this, she is capable of anything.

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I found it less than X anyway. The tempo goes completely off here at times and it's less interesting in my opinion. More of a slowburner than X. Fewer kills. X also had that sensual and erotic, here it is a much stiffer affair. I had much higher expectations of this, but unfortunately they were not fulfilled. Mia Goth is a special actress, that's for sure after this film. I'm looking forward to the third part. It's a special film series for sure.

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When I saw Mia Goth starring in a new horror movie, I was very curious. And what a wonderful, extremely atmospheric horror film this was, with the necessary killer moves and gore here and there. But above all a stunning rendition of Mia Goth as the psycho Pearl, from start to finish, right through to the credits. That's really a top actress 9/10.

Ti West has already charmed me.

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I liked X better as a horror movie: more bloody kills, stronger slasher atmosphere.

Fortunately, there is also a lot of good to be said about Pearl, which is why I rate it the same as X. It's a more plot-driven film with an extensive story about how a girl with dreams turns into a murderous creature when she kills all of them. loses hope ... West wraps it up like a fairy tale (bright colors, the appearance of Pearl) in which nothing actually goes well. As a prequel, the film can certainly be there. You certainly don't need to have seen X... I would even say: first look at Pearl and then X... Mia Goth shines and conjures up a lot of talent. Best scene I thought was the audition in church...

The problem with Pearl is that it can hardly be called a horror movie... there are some kills, but the camera almost always turns away when Pearl finally throws a pitchfork or ax. It was really the intention to develop a character down to the last detail. Found it a bit over the top and a bit frustrating on that front. In terms of bloody disgusting kills, I was very hungry.

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