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Incense for the Damned (1971)

Horror | 82 minutes
2,42 12 votes

Genre: Horror

Duration: 82 minuten

Alternative titles: Bloodsuckers / Incense of the Damned / Freedom Seekers / Blood Suckers / Bloedzuigers

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Robert Hartford-Davis

Stars: Patrick Macnee, Peter Cushing and Johnny Sekka

IMDb score: 4,0 (816)

Releasedate: 14 May 1971


Incense for the Damned plot

Film about a 1970s Oxford student who is initiated into Greece by a satanic band of leeches, much to the dismay of his prudish English fiancée. His friends are convinced that he has been psychologically castrated by the British academic system and that he is simply compensating for his impotence with bloodlust.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Derek Longbow

Dr. Holstrom

Dr. Walter Goodrich

Penelope (as Madeline Hinde)

Marc Honeydew

Richard Fountain

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