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Curse of Chucky (2013)

Horror | 97 minutes
2,65 513 votes

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Duration: 97 minuten

Alternative title: Child's Play 6

Country: United States

Directed by: Don Mancini

Stars: Fiona Dourif, Danielle Bisutti and Brad Dourif

IMDb score: 5,6 (45.451)

Releasedate: 8 October 2013

Curse of Chucky plot

"Fear has a new home."

Nica mourns her mother's horrific suicide when her domineering older sister Barb arrives with her family to manage their mother's affairs. While the sisters argue over Nica's future plans, Barb's young daughter comforts herself with a grinning, red-haired, talking doll named Chucky, who mysteriously arrived in the mail. But when a series of gruesome murders begin to terrorize the household, Nica suspects the doll may be the key to the bloodshed.

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First Chucky experience, I didn't like him that bad for part 6 of a horror series. This version is also from 2013 and I (when I start) will probably have to get used to the 1990 versions. But this part wasn't that bad.

Acting is not very strong, Chucky's voice is nice. Too bad the scare effects aren't that effective because his face changes completely when he takes on the homicidal character. Construction could have been a bit shorter.

Reasonable gore, could have liked a little more. But not a super bad part.

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Almost back to the old one

This is already a lot better than 4 and 5 I was able to enjoy this.

Also knowing there would be a sequel to this, since the hint at the end

It's exciting and Chuckie occasionally looks bizarrely evil as it should be.

All in all I'm glad that little bastard is back on track

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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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Chucky returns to horror and straightens out the sequence. We're already on the 6th installment of a horror franchise that didn't even hit the cinemas, so expectations weren't that high. The cast and script are probably in line with the budget, but the atmosphere is good. Original with the main character in a wheelchair. The film has become a house of horror. Atmosphere is good, but it is no longer scary of course. This film is still looking for the balance between horror and humor, but sometimes takes itself a little too seriously. Fortunately, Brad Dourif in the role of Chucky makes up for a lot.

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