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Journey to the Center of the Earth (2008)

Family | 93 minutes
2,68 904 votes

Genre: Family / Adventure

Duration: 93 minuten

Alternative title: Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D

Country: United States

Directed by: Eric Brevig

Stars: Brendan Fraser, Josh Hutcherson and Anita Briem

IMDb score: 5,8 (135.029)

Releasedate: 10 July 2008

Journey to the Center of the Earth plot

"Same Planet. Different World."

When a scientist's brother suddenly disappears, the scientist decides to look for his brother with his nephew and a guide. The trio ends up in a special, but also dangerous lost world, somewhere in the middle of the Earth.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Trevor Anderson

Sean Anderson

Hannah Ásgeirsson

Professor Alan Kitzens

Gum-Chewing Girl

Sigurbjörn Ásgeirsson

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  • 10026 messages
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Not special.

The time when Hutchinson was a little younger. As a boy he had proven early on that he could act, but is not very special in this Journey. In addition, Fraser is also not particularly convincing in this childish adventure film.

Adventure enough, but comical it is rather bland. Too little has happened to the idea that could have been much more fun and exciting. There are some nice scenes in it, but the CGI is often a bit too wooden.

Great movie in the end, but nowhere does it get really special and a production that makes you think you're watching something really special. Entertaining, but ultimately it doesn't add much more to the genre.

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  • 132 messages
  • 114 votes

Terribly bad movie.

I love Jules Verne's books, this could have been a beautifully stylized steampunk movie with 19th century futurism, a well-crafted script and good actors.

instead, it has become a kind of weak Indiana Jones rendition, with a downright mediocre script and half-baked SFX and CGI, lots of bland humor and mediocre to bad acting.

I'm not going to mince words about it...

Eternal sin.

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Never seen this movie before. Coincidentally now on TV. A good movie, but not a high-flyer. Lots of special effects that are really below par. The dinosaur for example. What a 'fake' display. But if you look through that, you see quite a nice action movie.

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