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*Batteries Not Included (1987)

Family | 106 minutes
2,86 292 votes

Genre: Family / Fantasy

Duration: 106 minuten

Alternative title: *Batterijen Niet Inbegrepen

Country: United States

Directed by: Matthew Robbins

Stars: Hume Cronyn, Jessica Tandy and Elizabeth Peña

IMDb score: 6,6 (38.691)

Releasedate: 18 December 1987

*Batteries Not Included plot

"Five ordinary people needed a miracle. Then one night, Faye Riley left the window open."

A group of tenants are forced to move out of their apartment complex so that the complex can be demolished. The project developer hires a vigilante group to evict the tenants. Fortunately, a group of mechanical aliens from outer space just came to visit. They befriend the residents and help them in the fight against the project developer with his vigilante group.

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avatar van Moviestar1979


  • 1666 messages
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This family film is about a group of tenants who are forced to leave their apartment.

Lacey (Michael Greene) even hired a vigilante group to get the job done.

Although a number of people have packed their bags, Frank Riley (Hume Cronyn) refuses to give in.

Together with his demented wife Faye Riley (Jessica Tandy) and 3 other tenants, he tries to save the apartment complex from destruction.

However, they are not alone.

2 Mechanical aliens help the tenants in their fight for justice.

Standard family film that contains a number of nice fragments.

Towards the end, of course, it becomes predictable.

Still, it's a decent movie to watch once.

2.5 *

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Mediocre film about a group of tenants who are forced to leave their apartment until they receive help from an unexpected source. A sometimes somewhat bland film that might do better with the youth. The aliens don't know how to arouse sympathy (despite the excellent special effects). A beautiful setting (a slum in New York) and the elderly couple Hume Cronyn and Jessica Tandy do nothing wrong.

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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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Steven Spielberg picked up the story to make a film of it and put scriptwriter Brad Bird (animator at Disney and later director of Incredibles and Ratatouille among others) and director Matthew Robbins (with whom he collaborated in Jaws and Close encounters of the third kind) to make a wonderful film. It looks like a Disney movie, but comes from Amblin Entertainment, which Spielberg founded in 81 and in the meantime had launched films such as Poltergeist, ET, Gremlins, The Color Purple, The Goonies and Back to the Future. Music by James Horner. Actress Jessica Tandy went on to win an Oscar for Driving Miss Daisy not long after. Just to indicate that the film may not come out with big names, but there is some talent behind it.

And you can see that. The 2 main characters, played by the real-life couple Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn, shine in their simplicity. They are great together and give the film the necessary charm. It is a story in the vein of the SF family films of the time, combined with the well-known concept of the petty bourgeoisie against capitalism. It remains small, which is not always so good for this genre. But it remains a little gem that I can still enjoy.

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