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Un Homme et une Femme (1966)

Drama | 102 minutes
3,37 100 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 102 minuten

Alternative title: A Man and a Woman

Country: France

Directed by: Claude Lelouch

Stars: Anouk Aimée, Jean-Louis Trintignant and Pierre Barouh

IMDb score: 7,5 (12.424)

Releasedate: 27 May 1966


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Un Homme et une Femme plot

"See it with someone you love!"

The 'husband and wife' meet at their children's school. The woman, an actress, misses her train and the man, a car racer, gives her a lift. It is the first of a number of friendly encounters that eventually culminate in a romance.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Anne Gauthier

Pierre Gauthier

Valérie Duroc

Antoine Duroc

Françoise Gauthier

Le copilote de Jean-Louis

La maîtresse de Jean-Louis

La directrice de la pension

Reviews & comments


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Surprisingly little actual acting in this dreamy 60s romance. It is mainly a lot of cutting and pasting to create the atmosphere. Jean-Louis Trintignant is okay as the racing driver who falls in love with widow Anouk Aimée, but her role mainly consists of fiddling with her hairstyle. And that thick, kitschy soundtrack really drove me crazy.

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Due to the strong influence of Nouvelle Vague and Cinéma Vérité, the camera work and stylization regularly distract from the characters in this beautifully constructed and excellently acted portrait of a short but intense affair between widow Anne [Anouk Aimée], a script girl, and widower Jean -Louis [Jean-Louis Trintignant], a racing driver. The two meet at the school where her daughter and his son are in class together. The film follows the course of their blossoming relationship and alternates with flashbacks that ultimately explain - in one of the most beautiful love scenes ever - why the two cannot stay together.

An arthouse favorite, this winner of many film awards (including two Oscars). Followed by a remake, and two sequels. Dated, but still admirable and it is definitely recommended to watch the second sequel Les Plus Belles Années d'une Vie (2019) as well to see. A beautiful doublebill for every romantic.

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Poetic cinema. All-rounder Claude Lelouch is responsible for the production, direction and photography, and partly for the screenplay. That produces beautiful work. The combination of the images, storyline, music... and wonderful actors... and French is also the perfect language for such work. I'm only seeing it for the first time now, but it seems timeless to me. And at the same time nostalgic. That nostalgia is not only in the age of the film but in the experience of the characters... the reflection of their relationship towards the children gives an extra dimension. The project was under budget pressure so they had to use resources wisely. That also explains why part of the film was shot in B&W. But I still had the feeling that the form and choices of the moment completely fit in with the concept of the story.

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