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Three Seasons (1999)

Drama | 113 minutes
3,29 63 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 113 minuten

Country: Vietnam / United States

Directed by: Tony Bui

Stars: Ngoc Hiep Nguyen and Harvey Keitel

IMDb score: 7,2 (3.334)

Releasedate: 30 April 1999


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Three Seasons plot

"The war is over. But a personal battle continues to rage."

Vietnam unfolds in multiple stories. Hai, a prostitute cycles around town and falls in love with her. He wants to give her what she dreams of: a night's sleep in an air-conditioned hotel. A poetry teacher befriends a Lotus picker. Little boy Woody is looking for an American whom he suspects of theft. The American, a Vietnam veteran, is looking for his daughter he left behind in Vietnam.

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