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Sorstalanság (2005)

War | 140 minutes
3,68 295 votes

Genre: War / Drama

Duration: 140 minuten

Alternative title: Fateless

Country: Hungary / Germany / United Kingdom

Directed by: Lajos Koltai

Stars: Marcell Nagy, Béla Dóra and Bálint Péntek

IMDb score: 7,0 (7.274)

Releasedate: 10 February 2005


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Sorstalanság plot

"You can close your eyes. You can turn away. But you will never forget."

A historical drama based on Imre Kertesz' Nobel Prize winning book about Hungarian Jews during the Holocaust, Sorstalanság. A young man is arrested and taken to a concentration camp where he must survive all the atrocities.

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K. V.

  • 4216 messages
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This was another pretty impressive movie. You follow the experiences of the boy who ends up in a concentration camp and how hard it was, but you also show how he tries to rebuild his life after the camp. The cast played convincingly. It also came across as very authentic, partly because people speak Hungarian and German and the deprivation was also extensively portrayed.

These kinds of movies are definitely worth watching, if only to keep the thought alive.

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  • 6679 messages
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A good drama/war film...

Great story...

Great acting...

Great background sound/music

(No Dolby Digital present)...

Nice HD quality...

Small widescreen...

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  • 21 messages
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It was a moment of income in this film. The beginning was quite slow and I was annoyed by the little actor who seemed only cast because of his beautiful eyes with which he just stared blankly, so that I kept waiting for his voiceover to hear what emotion he was expressing. However, when he ended up in the camp, everything changed.

As the hardships passed, I started to read more and more into those eyes, with the highlights (as mentioned somewhere above) when he suddenly looks at you directly and at the end in the tram, when he asks the question what he feels now that he is back in Budapest, he answers with 'hate'. Then suddenly there is so much in his gaze. What I also thought was strong was the moment when he was arrested and was waiting with the group for the passing tram: did the policeman give him the chance to flee with that nod of his head? It's not clear.

The film is a bit vague at some points. In that last conversation with that girl next door: why couldn't he, being Jewish himself, tell her at the time what it meant to be Jewish?

In that second camp it rained an awful lot

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