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The World Unseen (2007)

Drama | 94 minutes
3,47 55 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 94 minuten

Country: South Africa / United Kingdom

Directed by: Shamim Sarif

Stars: Lisa Ray, Sheetal Sheth and Parvin Dabas

IMDb score: 6,6 (4.830)

Releasedate: 9 September 2007

The World Unseen plot

Amid the tensions of apartheid in 1952 South Africa, two women meet and their worlds are turned upside down. Miriam is a traditional, hard-working mother who completely ignores herself. Amina, on the other hand, breaks all social rules, drives a taxi and starts a cafe with a black man from the area. Despite intense disapproval, their friendship flourishes. But the price Miriam has to pay is discovering impossible facts about her marriage. In a system that separates white from black, black from Asian and women from men, is there any chance of survival for an unexpected love?

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