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Aimée & Jaguar (1999)

Biography | 125 minutes
3,56 133 votes

Genre: Biography / Drama

Duration: 125 minuten

Country: Germany

Directed by: Max Färberböck

Stars: Maria Schrader, Juliane Köhler and Johanna Wokalek

IMDb score: 7,2 (7.121)

Releasedate: 11 February 1999


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Aimée & Jaguar plot

"Bound By Desire. Torn Apart By War."

Berlin, 1943. While the bombs fall every night, social life goes on. At a concert, Lilly, married to a front soldier and mother of four boys (and for that reason awarded the 'Mutterkreuz'), meets the energetic Felice. Shortly afterwards she receives a love letter from Felice, addressed to 'Aimée' (beloved) and signed 'Jaguar'. Although Lilly is initially not pleased with Felice's advances, they grow closer to each other. They become each other's lover and move in together. However, Lily does not know that Felice is Jewish and active in the resistance.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Felice "Jaguar” Schragenheim

Lilly "Aimée” Wüst

Günter Wüst

Lilly Wüst im Jahre 1997

Chefredakteur Keller

Blonde Dame

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