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The Good Lie (2014)

Drama | 112 minutes
3,41 252 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 112 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Philippe Falardeau

Stars: Reese Witherspoon, Corey Stoll and Sarah Baker

IMDb score: 7,4 (33.923)

Releasedate: 27 June 2014

The Good Lie plot

"Miracles are made by people who refuse to stop believing."

'The Good Lie' tells the true story of a young refugee from the Sudanese civil war. Together with three fellow sufferers, he goes to the US, where he hopes to build a new life. They develop a special friendship with their social worker.

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  • 6475 messages
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First-class drama about a group of Sudanese refugees who, after years of living in a refugee camp, are given the opportunity to build a new life in the US. The film strikes exactly the right chord, infinitely aided by the great protagonists, who in reality also include Sudanese refugees. Reese Witherspoon and Corey Stoll have nice supporting roles. Beautifully filmed and carefully put together, without false sentiment.

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This is certainly not a bad movie. You notice that it is not a cinema film with an extremely large budget. Still, the film looks good. Reese stands head and tail above the rest of the cast with her acting experience, but that doesn't matter. The other actors really do their best. I thought it was a very nice movie. And definitely worth a look. It does give some more perspective and empathy towards refugees.

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Social drama about the so-called Lost Boys of Sudan who had to flee their native village in 1987 after their families were largely murdered after the outbreak of a civil war. They survive a grueling journey through the desert before arriving at a refugee camp that they only exchange in 2001 for a new life in the US. The men struggle not only with the difference in climate and culture in their new country, but also with the strict requirements that the American government sets for their residence. After 9/11, it is proving more difficult than ever for immigrants to find any stability. Unfortunately, little attention is paid to the history of these men: the 14 years in that camp even remain completely unexposed! As a result, you hardly get any insight into what these men had to go through to get to the US. While the result is entertaining, it is disappointingly superficial and remarkably lighthearted. Good acting from the lead actors keeps things going.

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