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The Duke of Burgundy (2014)

Drama | 104 minutes
3,07 170 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 104 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / Hungary

Directed by: Peter Strickland

Stars: Sidse Babett Knudsen, Chiara D'Anna and Eugenia Caruso

IMDb score: 6,5 (14.713)

Releasedate: 18 October 2014

The Duke of Burgundy plot

Every morning, housekeeper Evelyn happily cycles to the stately mansion of Cynthia (Sidse Babett Knudsen). She is not exactly welcomed there. Bits snarls at Cynthia her orders; when something doesn't please her, punishment follows. The two appear to be engaged in a long-term sm relationship.

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avatar van Ferdydurke


  • 1353 messages
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I have the feeling that, unlike the moths and butterflies, and the characters, the film itself is not so easy to pin down. And that also applies to Berberian Sound Studio.

It is a strange game with convention and perception that Strickland plays; an analysis, you might almost say. It all comes across as very self-conscious, and therefore somewhat artificial. But that also seems to be the character of the world he shows. Real living, and dying, is reserved for the butterflies, and, in his predecessor, the chiffchaffs. But you can also make a nice nature documentary about that. Or give a lecture about it.

A game with expectations too. Real horror, real eroticism. Both of which are linked by convention. Strickland violates the 'agreement' with the viewer not to talk about that.

Scenes that have to be repeated over and over again. It really takes you out of the movie

This is good, but I think the previous one was better. I'll take another look.

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All credits go to the two leading actors and the beautiful camera work. Quite an atmospheric picture, but in terms of content it doesn't amount to much. The story is even on the boring side and has many of the same types of scenes. Erotic, but that's about it. The film doesn't really score with that either. Special film but as a whole not really successful. 4/10

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A very beautiful film. Visually beautiful. The story contains a lot of repetitions and not much happens, but that didn't bother me. I even appreciate it with this movie. As far as I'm concerned, the insects also have something beautiful about them and they add something to the special, sinister atmosphere. Good acting. An (artistic) style that I really like! 4*

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