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The Company You Keep (2012)

Drama | 125 minutes
2,97 374 votes

Genre: Drama / Thriller

Duration: 125 minuten

Country: Canada

Directed by: Robert Redford

Stars: Robert Redford, Shia LaBeouf and Julie Christie

IMDb score: 6,4 (36.245)

Releasedate: 6 September 2012

The Company You Keep plot

"The greatest manhunt in history."

Former militant and political activist Jim Grant (Robert Redford) has been living in hiding for thirty years. For decades, he has been on the FBI's most wanted list for armed bank robbery. When a determined journalist discovers his true identity, he is forced to flee. To secure his young daughter's future, he will have to come to terms with his own checkered past.

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Only with the can of actors that was opened here it is really too mediocre. Chris Cooper, Richard Jenkins, Brendan Gleeson, Nick Nolte, Sam Elliot and so on I could go on and on. Great cast but really nobody really gets the space to take this film to a higher level. In the end we are watching Shia LaBeouf and a simple plot that has nothing to do with it.

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More of a moralistic 'narrative' than a thriller. A remarkable selection of well-known actors and actresses passed in review. Indicates how much credit Redford has in the movie world. You could see the end coming from afar, even though the story took a lot of space for suspension or disbelief. Journalist approached his goal remarkably quickly and accurately, eg Tweetocht had to be acted, was not made tangible in the form of inner struggles that the viewer believed to be acceptable. It is strange that reference was made to an activist past from 30 years ago. If we want to end up somewhere around 1970 (including the Kent State incident) then we are talking about the year 2000 in which this story would take place. But the technology shown (smartphones, among others) and the Mini that my daughter drove, are more reminiscent of the year in which the film was shot.

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Roger Thornhill

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A very interesting story, but I would have liked to hear more information about the Weather Underground. Nice plot too, the way each character gets involved in Redford's flight, giving a different perspective on their shared past and a different look at the future. The biggest problem I find here is the much-praised star cast : every time a familiar headline appears unannounced again, I'm taken out of the story ("oh look! Redford also managed to get xxx!"), and then most of them have little else to do (I don't think Sam Elliott even left the chair in front of his computer chair). Susan Sarandon gives her supporting role the right weight and Richard Jenkins could use his great mimicry, but who really stood out was Julie Christie – her final showdown with Redford in the log cabin was the highlight of the film for me .

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