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Detachment (2011)

Drama | 97 minutes
3,59 832 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Tony Kaye

Stars: Adrien Brody, James Caan and Christina Hendricks

IMDb score: 7,7 (103.928)

Releasedate: 24 April 2011

Detachment plot

"Detachment" tells the story of three weeks in the lives of several high school teachers, administrative staff and students through the eyes of an interim teacher named Henry Barthes. Henry goes from school to school, tries to pass on his knowledge but never stays long enough to form any bond with the school and its students. It's the perfect profession to hide in all openness. One day Henry arrives at yet another new school. A secret world of emotions is awakened in him by three women: a young girl Meredith, a fellow teacher Mrs. Madison and a street hooker Erica. Each of these women, like Henry, is engaged in a life-or-death struggle in search of beauty in a seemingly mean and loveless world.

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Henry Barthes

Ms. Sarah Madison

Mr. Charles Seaboldt

Dr. Parker

Principal Carol Dearden

Ms. Perkins

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Horrible piece of bend. My expectations were very high and at the beginning I was at least fascinated but the film has nothing to say. It seems as if Kaye wants to show us the "heavy side of reality" through the negative atmosphere and the documentary-like shooting, but this turns out to be a painful lie in which a lot of suffering is exploited in a superficial and forced tone. Literally everything and everyone must be unhappy (without coherence). At some point it doesn't even matter if it matters to the story and even unimportant side characters get scenes just to insist that life has nothing to offer but misery. Detachment is an almost adolescent bad job, very unfortunate.

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This isn't a movie anymore, these are skits. Most striking is that context is not provided at all. Where is that school located? (By the way, that school still looks remarkably well-kept.) Who are those children, what is their background? (we only learn a thing or two about the pathetic obese girl) What else has that girl who lives with him, besides being a whore and actually quite sweet, been through - yes she has no one anymore but how did that happen?

All this makes it difficult to discern a storyline with logic. The existentialist theme is on top of it, but then you also have to give a story. We see that all those teachers almost kill themselves, and the reason is given, but not the build-up to it. There is too much 'counting', too little 'showing'. And that's a shame for a movie where the actors lend themselves to this kind of melancholy.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Henry Barthes has to face the adversities of life, like any of us, as best he can. Not an easy task, however, because life is not very rosy, both privately and professionally. Though endowed with a number of crucial skills, he will not make it to a high school for the time being. A high school where the motivation and progression of the students is very high.

With a good dash of positivism and idealism he struggles through life, trying to keep an eye on others. Sounds a bit sentimental, but it's not that bad. The problem is more in the depth and balance. For example, I missed framing. It seemed as if Barthes was literally on his own all the time and everywhere.

But Brody did well, also had to to keep the film somewhat standing. A film that certainly has its moments and touches, but there are better ones within the genre.

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