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Seven Pounds (2008)

Drama | 123 minutes
3,74 3.591 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 123 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Gabriele Muccino

Stars: Will Smith, Rosario Dawson and Woody Harrelson

IMDb score: 7,6 (319.222)

Releasedate: 18 December 2008

Seven Pounds plot

"Seven names. Seven strangers. One secret."

To put his tormenting past behind him, Ben Thomas (Will Smith) decides to lend a helping hand to seven unknown people and drastically change their lives. One of them is Emily Posa (Rosario Dawson), an attractive, high-spirited woman battling a heart condition and tax debt. While Ben helps her with chores big and small, his own cold heart thaws. But their budding love wasn't part of his grand plan...

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Madecineman (moderator films)

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Oversentimental bland and saucy dragon brewed according to an Oscar-assured recipe.

So I don't think the film is that good, in fact I think it's quite an annoying Jesus story that actually manages to hit the ground running. Except for the aspects that just don't add up (how the hell can a tropical saltwater jellyfish survive in ice-cold freshwater?Just to name a few). The fact that it is all very coincidental that just all those seven people are all at the top of the transplant list and that a donor is never known in any case we will not consider for a moment. for the sake of convenience... I really didn't believe one bit of it.

But that's not the worst, because what I'm really wondering is, what does this movie actually mean??? Will Smith who donated a piece of liver, a lobe of his lung for his brother with lung cancer (which by the way is also big bs because with cancer you are not eligible for a transplant and a person can easily live on a lung) , en passant donating bone marrow and also giving away his house to a family in need is already a huge effort... But according to the makers of Seven Pounds it is not enough because Smith has to commit suicide to give the rest of his organs to seven "good" people? As if that suddenly justifies suicide What a lot of nonsense. The film does not go into even a single ethical or moral consideration and thereby in fact undermines its own raison d'être. The plot is ordinary, completely absurd and idiotic.

Cheap effect is the first thing that comes to my mind... It's that Miss Dawson is such a beautiful endearing figure but different.

2* and then I'm in a mild mood.

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“I did something really bad once and I'm never gonna be the same…”

Impressive. I didn't expect Will Smith to hit me like that, but the man does it here anyway. The Fresh Prince here is a depressed man who wants to help a number of people before he (probably) commits suicide. Why and how this all works is ingeniously explained by director Muccino.

The viewer's feelings are played to very much, but it never annoyed me for a moment. On the contrary, I completely went along with Ben's emotional journey. Rosario Dawson may be even more impressive than Smith as a woman waiting for a heart transplant and bonding with Smith. What a chemistry those two have. And an understated Harrelson is always worth a look, class actor. It soon becomes clear that the story has to do with an old trauma of Ben and organ donation, but how it all works is only clear at the end. Thanks also for the beautiful music. Wonderful movie, really enjoyed it.

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This is one of my favorite movies!! Ive seen it now for the 4th time and its still moves me!

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