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Reign over Me (2007)

Drama | 124 minutes
3,63 1.100 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 124 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Mike Binder

Stars: Adam Sandler, Don Cheadle and Liv Tyler

IMDb score: 7,4 (100.694)

Releasedate: 22 March 2007

Reign over Me plot

"Let in the unexpected."

A man (Sandler) who lost his family in the September 11 attacks accidentally bumps into his old friend and college roommate. Rediscovering this friendship turns out to be one of the things that helps him get over his grief.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Charlie Fineman

Alan Johnson

Janeane Johnson

Angela Oakhurst

Richter Raines

Jonathan Timpleman

Ginger Timpleman

Bryan Sugarman

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Surprising Sandler

Interesting movie with some good acting. Adam Sandler, who we know from weak comedies and annoying romantic films that normally get no more than a meager two stars, ventures into the drama genre in Reign over Me. I dare say that is more up his alley. Sandler is neither cute nor funny, but surprised me with his role as the broken Charlie Fineman.

It's captivating, as I said in the paragraph above, but it lacked the absolute conviction to really touch me. Certain aspects were totally irrelevant and realistic. To cite just one example: the annoying woman who kicks a scene in Johnson's dentist's room. You hope to get rid of that human at some point, but at the end of the movie she hooks up with Charlie. Disturbing. For the rest just a sufficient.

A decent Don Cheadle and an excellent Sandler. The rest was not great.


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A Sandler that once again appeals to me, but I think I'm through all his well-reviewed films now. As an actor, he can go in all directions. In comedies, of course, a bit bland, despite the fact that this film also uses influences from that. However, it is true that here he plays someone who is completely unrecognizable, except for a few traits.

In any case, he does it properly, despite the fact that his typical traits are always present. That can sometimes seem disturbing, but otherwise I could sympathize with his type. It is a unique figure. Cheadle certainly stands his ground against that. Perhaps not the most distinctive role, but a convincingly acted presence that certainly charmed me.

Cinematographically absolutely fine. Not that there is much focus on the visual aspect, but I could look at the beautiful nighttime images. The city is well portrayed with a strong focus that really makes it look like a world and not some comic book. Story itself is nice too. Not too difficult, accessible and entertaining. Little to complain about in this area.

It's that the comedy within this film doesn't work as well, despite the obvious desire to make a drama film with a light-hearted, humorous tone. However, I thought it was a form of humor that didn't fit in the movie very well. I also found the final a bit too bland for the film to end satisfactorily, but in the end it's just factors that keep the film from getting a higher pass, because a big score is definitely worth it.

Entertaining and smooth. Sandler and Cheadle make a good duo. It's always nice to discover these kinds of roles from Sandler. Characters you would never expect. That forces him to drop his unmotivated attitude a bit and I love that. Reign over Me is a must. Not brilliant, but certainly good.

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A little surprise this original movie on Netflix. Although the theme sounds heavy on paper, husband and father have to deal with the loss of his family, it is by no means in the elaboration. Also, the emphasis is not too much on 9/11, as a viewer you only find out later. There is a lot of humor in it and unexpected moments, such as the woman who comes to the dentist for treatment, but prefers to give him a blow job. Well that sounds raunchy, but in this movie it came across as extremely funny. At the end the clichés are skilfully avoided and the viewer can see a happy in it. I do wonder if Adam Sandler didn't come home completely upset and confused (on his moped) after the recordings.

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