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News of the World (2020)

Drama | 118 minutes
3,29 694 votes

Genre: Drama / Western

Duration: 118 minuten

Country: United States / China

Directed by: Paul Greengrass

Stars: Tom Hanks, Helena Zengel and Elizabeth Marvel

IMDb score: 6,8 (96.671)

Releasedate: 25 December 2020

News of the World plot

"Find where you belong."

The Aftermath of the American Civil War. A newscaster travels across the state of Texas to spread the word about the turbulent events of the war. Along the way, he comes into contact with a young orphaned girl whose parents were murdered by a Native American tribe. He then tries to take the girl to her family in San Antonio.

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Captain Jefferson Kyle Kidd

Johanna Leonberger

Simon Boudlin

Doris Boudlin

Mr. Branholme

Benjamin Farley

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Matte, flat western that gently ripples on, without highs and/or lows. It's all well put together and Hanks does his best as always, but the script is on the skimpy side and there really isn't anything in the film that we haven't seen before and especially better in comparable westerns. Not a punishment to watch, but in the end, unfortunately, this never rises above mediocrity.

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This film gave me a very pleasant feeling afterwards, despite the fact that this western road movie was quite predictable. The images of Texas in the year 1870 looked very beautiful, it was clear that the wounds of the Texans from the lost war against the Northern States were still fresh. That sometimes brought the necessary tension in this pretty good western. Still, this film would not have scored higher for me than a 3.5 if I hadn't been so charmed by Helena Zengel's excellent acting in the role of Johanna. Despite the predictability, I found the ending especially heartwarming.


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  • 49 messages
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Beautiful movie. Don't expect too much action, but the status of a drama is enough here. Superb acting by Tom Hanks and the little German actress Helana Zengel. We will be hearing more about that in the future. Nice camera work, good music and the right atmosphere. Long but well worth it.

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