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Le Vieil Homme et l'Enfant (1967)

Drama | 90 minutes
3,64 33 votes

Genre: Drama / Comedy

Duration: 90 minuten

Alternative titles: The Two of Us / The Old Man and the Boy

Country: France

Directed by: Claude Berri

Stars: Michel Simon, Alain Cohen and Charles Denner

IMDb score: 7,6 (2.608)

Releasedate: 8 March 1967


Le Vieil Homme et l'Enfant plot

Claude is a Jewish boy during WWII. Because of the Nazi occupation, his parents fear arrest and they send Claude to an elderly couple in the countryside. Pepe, the old man, is a supporter of the collaborationist Petain and an anti-Semite, but he knows nothing about Claude's religion. The man and the boy slowly grow closer to each other.

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Michel Simon, already in 1967 with an entire career behind him, is still just as exuberant and convincing as in, for example, "Boudu sauvé des eaux" (1932 !) in a tender film about the friendship between an old man and a child.

Filmed soberly and above all very naturally. The countryside scenes in particular seem real.

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Autobiographical story of Claude Berri (real name Claude Langmann), who himself was once the Jewish boy sent to the countryside in the last year of the second war. How an old man turns away from his stubborn prejudices in contact with the boy who brings him to reason through his naive questions. Furthermore, it is a pleasant film with a relaxed atmosphere, fresh dialogues and warm scenes with a central paternalistic bond between the boy and the old man, in a decor of simple village life that is long behind us. Michel Simon plays the archetypal Frenchman.

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Nice role from Simon as the good, crazy uncle with his characteristic smile. The fact that he also takes quite uncomfortable, but outspoken political positions is an interesting starting point that also resonates very much nowadays.

I didn't always find the tone consistent and I also had the feeling that I didn't get everything right. One for the revision list.

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