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Io Sono Tempesta (2018)

Drama | 97 minutes
5,00 1 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 97 minuten

Alternative title: I Am Tempesta

Country: Italy

Directed by: Daniele Luchetti

Stars: Marco Giallini, Elio Germano and Eleonora Danco

IMDb score: 5,8 (1.474)

Releasedate: 12 April 2018

Io Sono Tempesta plot

Numa Tempesta has money, charisma, a good nose for business and few scruples. One day the arm of the law gets hold of him: because of an old tax fraud he is sentenced to a year of community service. The mighty Numa becomes subservient to the poor. He meets Bruno, a single father who has lost his house and who regularly visits the community center with his son.

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