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Het Teken van het Beest (1980)

Drama | 88 minutes
3,02 88 votes

Genre: Drama / History

Duration: 88 minuten

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Pieter Verhoeff

Stars: Gerard Thoolen, Marja Kok and Peter Faber

IMDb score: 6,5 (165)

Releasedate: 25 September 1980


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Het Teken van het Beest plot

1920s. The free-spirited Frisian clog maker IJje Wijkstra (Gerard Thoolen) has an affair with the wife of one of his friends (who is currently in prison). When she leaves her children behind to move in with him, things get out of hand... Film based on events in 1929 in Grootegast.

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  • 14051 messages
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Somewhat boring and slow, but the film still has its moments. Verhoeff's best so far...

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This film was a major production by Dutch standards in 1980. The true story that actually happened is certainly worth making into a good film. But boy, was this the best they could do in 1980? What a wooden production. The dullness radiates from all sides and the cast is incomprehensible.

However, even more incomprehensible is that I read on the cover of the DVD that this film has won two golden calves. 1 for best film and 1 for Marja Kok as best actress. So those aren't even the lowest prices. Marja Kok best actress!!! Actress is already a big word for her performance in this movie!

1980 must have been a very poor year in the Dutch film world.

Were Monique van de Ven and Willeke van Ammelrooy free that year?

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