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Don Kikhot (1957)

Drama | 110 minutes
3,75 6 votes

Genre: Drama / Adventure

Duration: 110 minuten

Alternative titles: Don Quichote / Don Quixote / Дон Кихот

Country: Soviet Union

Directed by: Grigori Kozintsev

Stars: Nikolai Cherkasov

IMDb score: 7,3 (956)

Releasedate: 23 May 1957


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Don Kikhot plot

Senor Quexana has read so many books about knights that he begins to think that he himself is knight Don Quixote de la Mancha. He jumps on his noble steed and sets off towards the horizon and adventure, together with his servant Sancho Panza who rides a donkey. No one takes him seriously, but when he accidentally rescues Lady Altisidora from a predicament, he is invited to the Duke's court.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Don Quixote de la Mancha / Alonso Quixano (as N. Cherkasov)

Sancho Panza (as Yu. Tolubeyev)

Ekonomka (as S. Birman)

Plemyannitsa Don Quijota

Svyashchennik (as V. Maksimov)

Tsyryulnik (as V. Kolpakov)

Aldonsa - Dulcinea del Toboso (as L. Kasyanova)

Altisidora (as T. Agamirova)

Sanson Carrasco (as G. Vitsin)

Gertsog (as V. Freindlich)

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