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De Helaasheid der Dingen (2009)

Drama | 108 minutes
3,61 1.808 votes

Genre: Drama / Comedy

Duration: 108 minuten

Alternative title: The Misfortunates

Country: Belgium / Netherlands

Directed by: Felix van Groeningen

Stars: Kenneth Vanbaeden, Koen De Graeve and Valentijn Dhaenens

IMDb score: 7,3 (11.691)

Releasedate: 7 October 2009


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


De Helaasheid der Dingen plot

The young Gunther Strobbe grows up in a fringe family that lives by the motto 'God created the day and we idlers get through it'. That routine of alcohol, womanizing and idleness suddenly comes to an end when Gunther is separated from his family by a social worker and placed in a boarding school. Fifteen years later, Gunther threatens to become the father of an unwanted child. Will he meet the same fate as his father? Or can he escape the misery of things?

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Kleine Gunther Strobbe (13 jaar)

Gunther Strobbe

Marcel 'Celle' Strobbe

Lowie 'Petrol' Strobbe

Pieter 'Breejen' Strobbe

Koen Strobbe

Vriendin Gunther

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avatar van Roger Thornhill

Roger Thornhill

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Maybe because of the high reputation of this title and because of two previous films by this director, I was not as moved as I expected. The desolation is of course enormous, and Kenneth Vanbaeden's passively observing play as the young Gunther is perfect, but in the end very little happens in terms of the development of the situation, plot or characters, and the (black) humor that causes the misery. could keep the viewer tolerable is too often absent or tame, so that the film has a certain numbing effect on me, at least now and then. Acting, time frame, location, direction and editing are all perfectly fine, but as a whole this film is just too much of the same.
At the same time, I must say that this is a film that runs parallel to my own track, as it were, but on adjacent tracks, so that when I see the film again in a few years I might be completely captivated by it. My score is therefore a provisional one, which of course applies to every film (because who knows what development a taste can go through), but for The unhappiness of things to a very high degree.
Extremely painful scene : Gunther who wakes up at night and realizes who his beloved Uncle Petrol is in bed with. I could sense it already in the scene before that (when Gunther, Petrol and the girl are spectators together at the World Cup beer drinking), but the impact was no less.

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avatar van Baboesjka


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I really wanted to see this movie. I like it. Good acting and a strong story that made quite an impression on me. 3.5*

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avatar van Alathir


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Not exactly my type of movie. Bit of the modern Witte van Zichem and a bit too marginal hassle to be really good. There is also not much happening outside of (coma) drinking. Some things also feel unfinished. It is nevertheless a long film but often the focus is on less important matters and side plots that distract such as the role of Natali Broods.

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