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Cry Macho (2021)

Drama | 104 minutes
2,68 273 votes

Genre: Drama / Western

Duration: 104 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Clint Eastwood

Stars: Clint Eastwood, Dwight Yoakam and Eduardo Minett

IMDb score: 5,7 (34.936)

Releasedate: 16 September 2021

Cry Macho plot

"A story of being lost... and found."

Mike is a former rodeo star and horse breeder who, in 1978, is tasked by an ex-boss to take his young son away from his alcoholic mother. Mike has to travel to Mexico for this and has to endure the necessary setbacks together with the boy. Meanwhile, he teaches the boy what it takes to grow into a good person.

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  • 9724 messages
  • 9006 votes

Eastwood apparently couldn't wait to make another movie. I can't think of any other justification for his cooperation (before and behind the camera) in this accumulation of clichés and implausibility surrounding ancient former rodeo star Mike Milo [Eastwood]. Mike once broke his back at a rodeo and after the tragic death of his wife and son, he turned to booze. Now his friend Howard [Dwight Yoakam] asks him to travel to Mexico to free Howard's teenage son Rafo [Eduardo Minett] from the clutches of his mother [Fernanda Urrejola]. In terms of credibility, things go from bad to worse, but the biggest question is why Eastwood was surrounded by actors who should not be in his shadow in any way. A rare blunder for Eastwood, but a decent one.

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  • 2154 messages
  • 2051 votes

Nice feature film. The story is not special and the development is fairly steady. The movie is pretty average and nothing special. Just fun and no more and no less. It is special to see the now 91-year-old Eastwood still so busy, great. The film ripples along and looks nice with a few nice feel-good moments. The camera work is strong and some nice shots are shown. The acting is somewhat variable. Eastwood as of old, but Minett still lacks some experience. 3.5

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  • 111 messages
  • 80 votes

Really a bad, I recommend Clint's last trick, piece of shoddy work, dripping with stupidity. Is there no one around this man who dares to say: Stop this!

The film is made up of clichés. Also have the idea that Clint's legs can no longer support his ego. I really got the thought in certain scenes; 'Dead Man Walking'.

* For the effort

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