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Center Stage (2000)

Drama | 115 minutes
3,10 87 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 115 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Nicholas Hytner

Stars: Amanda Schull, Zoe Saldana and Peter Gallagher

IMDb score: 6,7 (23.166)

Releasedate: 12 May 2000

Center Stage plot

"Life doesn't hold tryouts."

The American National Ballet is not for shy people. Only the most talented and most beautiful dancers have a chance. But unfortunately you need more than just physical strength and an overdose of ambition to get here. Jonathan Reeves, the creative director of ballet academy Center Stage, determines which of the group of young students will eventually take the big stage.

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Nice film about a few new students who all want a place in the American National Ballet. Although the characters are somewhat clichéd and partly because of this the story is somewhat predictable, this film is easy to watch. The cast does well (both dancing and acting). The two performances at the end are beautiful to watch.

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In Center Stage, multiple forms of dance are highlighted, with some turning between a mix of these styles. I can only applaud it in this type of film, but in dance films I believe that the direction should be a lot more energetic and involved. That is not the case in this film.

Hytner actually chooses a very easy approach by placing the camera at a fairly far distance. This makes everything clear, but soporific in the picture. Extremely interesting for those who like a quiet dance, you would think, but the editing puts a stop to that by constantly cutting away, which also leaves few possibilities for this.

Furthermore, there are few roles that really stick, it is mainly a huge collection of dancers who are allowed to laugh, develop, cry and dance. The difference with this film and a similar dance film is mainly that it is a bit more crowded here. I regularly got the feeling of watching a repeat of Fame, and that is not a compliment. That film also has an abundance of names without making them interesting.

All in all quite entertaining and easy to watch. The backgrounds are nicely constructed and there is serious talent hidden between the dancing itself, but that does not take away from the fact that Hytner has been lazy as a director. Or maybe I am just spoiled with the more energetic dance films. In any case, this was just not quite it. A film of which I would like to see the sequels, but rather not this kick-off.

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Center Stage is one of my favorite dance movies. Center Stage came out in 2000 and was characterized by the use of professional ballet dancers as actors. I can't listen to Higher Ground (Red Hot Chili Peppers) and Canned Heat (Jamiroquai) without automatically thinking of Center Stage. I really like the end dance, the chemistry between the actors is good, the music is good and the story is fun.

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