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Autoreiji (2010)

Drama | 109 minutes
3,43 163 votes

Genre: Drama / Crime

Duration: 109 minuten

Alternative titles: Outrage / The Outrage / アウトレイジ

Country: Japan

Directed by: Takeshi Kitano

Stars: Takeshi Kitano, Ryô Kase and Renji Ishibashi

IMDb score: 6,8 (15.068)

Releasedate: 17 May 2010

Autoreiji plot

"One wrong move and it's all out war."

Outrage tells the story of a power struggle between a number of crime organizations in Tokyo. Boss Sekiuchi of the Sannokai, a large umbrella crime organization in the Kanto region, summons his lieutenant Katô (Tomokazu Miura) and his right-hand man Ikemoto (Jun Kunimura) of the Ikemoto-gumi. After this, Katô orders Ikemoto to get the detached Murase-gumi to join the Sannokai. Almost immediately, Ikemoto shifts the job back to the subordinate Ôtomo (Takeshi Kitano) and his gang, who always get the tricky and unpopular jobs...

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Very strong.

Kitano returns to his roots, but immediately takes a new turn. The humor is largely gone and instead of focusing on characters, Kitano looks at the Yakuza group itself, how certain sub-groups try to work their way up and how there is often a backlash internally.

Kitano is not a main character... actually there is no main character at all. A number of characters receive some extra attention, but the focus is on the group itself, not on the individual.

Visually an upgrade, Hisaishi is missed, but Kitano solves it cleverly and in terms of acting it is also good. A few brilliant kills and a masterful ending make this a new Kitano masterpiece. Already looking forward to the sequel.

4.5* and a extensive review

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Tough and nihilistic yakuza print with uniform gangsters when it comes to suits and cars. Except the boss, of course. Kitano's tight compositions and sparse soundtrack hint at a cold and insensitive portrait of a raw, merciless power struggle. No character represents more than his position in the pecking order and when everyone has been introduced and the families are played against each other, there is little more than a cycle of violence from which there is no escape.

And all this under the leadership of an oyabun who pulls all the strings like a puppet master and knowingly and deliberately destroys his interchangeable pawns with sophisticated tactics and sadistic pleasure. He is not the only one who whacks away without any significant reason. But then a strange, dry and pitch-black form of humor sneaks into the film. It all seems deadly serious, but I actually laughed my head off at how everyone attacked each other.

Just take the bare office where many people are rudely called to order. During the land grab, the violence only becomes more creative, while Otomo's clique becomes more and more entertaining. Kitano's deadpan delivery is worth its weight in gold and Mizuno is also on a roll. With that smiley face, the scene in the diner is already great before the chef comes along. With numerous moments like that (that poor ambassador!), an actually pale, grim film becomes more and more colorful. It's a delight.

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Divide to conquer. That's what the capo dei capi of the yakuza does; supposedly forging alliances with other yakuza families in order to ruthlessly kill them and take over their businesses. In American and Italian gangster films you often see a code of honor, but that is not the case here at all. The yakuza world is a snake pit and the gangsters are all treacherous scoundrels. It may seem a somewhat exaggerated and caricatured image full of violence, but for some reason I believe this image. Their reputation should certainly not be underestimated; plenty of articles confirming that. Kitano shows that it is difficult to break ties with the organization (for example that African diplomat) once you do business with them.

Rough gangster film with very little of that typical Kitano humor. We have to make do with an unedifying portrait of the Japanese mafia. But it is an excellent film that clearly highlights the mentality of these types of people.

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