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Widows (2018)

Crime | 129 minutes
3,21 727 votes

Genre: Crime / Drama

Duration: 129 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / United States

Directed by: Steve McQueen

Stars: Viola Davis, Michelle Rodriguez and Elizabeth Debicki

IMDb score: 6,8 (106.099)

Releasedate: 6 November 2018

Widows plot

"Left with nothing. Capable of anything."

Widows follows four widowed women. They have nothing in common except for the debt left behind by their criminal partners. They then decide to take fate into their own hands and secure their future.

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  • 8050 messages
  • 8282 votes

What a confused start with the presentation of the ladies and it stays that way until a very sudden turn in the intrigue drives the interest and the tension to heights.

Still a very different film than "12 Years of Slave", the previous one by Steve McQueen, although this "Widows" also contains some racism, but it remains a crime/action film, feminist (?) in which the behavior of politicians not go free.

Robert Duvall can still get quite angry...

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  • 1808 messages
  • 1574 votes

Way too high score here on moviemeter. What a dull, stupid movie. With a terrible scenario. So many things happen that are too easily put into the story. Like the way they got the code from the safe. Just plain blackmail. The disappearance of Liam Neeson also makes no sense. A real criminal is missed by the FBI. Even though the van has completely exploded. You ALWAYS find DNA. Keep it up. Get rid of this junk.

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