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The Family (2013)

Crime | 111 minutes
2,95 1.005 votes

Genre: Crime / Comedy

Duration: 111 minuten

Alternative title: Malavita

Country: United States / France

Directed by: Luc Besson

Stars: Robert De Niro, Tommy Lee Jones and Michelle Pfeiffer

IMDb score: 6,3 (124.046)

Releasedate: 13 September 2013

The Family plot

"Some call it organized crime. Others call it family."

The Manzoni family, a notorious New York mafia clan, is transferred to Normandy, France as part of the witness protection program. However, the family has difficulty adjusting to the new environment and old habits prove difficult to break. Soon they start to do things in their own way.

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“Have you ever noticed the number of things dad is capable of expressing just with the word "fuck"?”

Reasonable. A mob family is sent to a quiet town in Normandy as part of the witness protection program. The father (De Niro) has testified against a big mafia boss, and now he has to keep quiet. That's how Malavita feels. Like a quietly rippling mafia story that only explodes at the end with a number of strong action scenes. Unfortunately, all of the foregoing is of little interest, and the humor didn't really work. The film wants to be funny, but at the same time increase the tension. That clearly doesn't work. The actors do a good job, but I expected a bit more from Luc Besson.

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A film that doesn't find the right tone.

Too bland for a comedy, too childish for a crime movie,

too American in a European setting, misplaced arrogance.

Movie without taste. *2.0

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Funny over the top crime comedy, entertaining and never a dull moment.

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