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Balle Perdue (2020)

Crime | 92 minutes
2,87 185 votes

Genre: Crime / Action

Duration: 92 minuten

Alternative title: Lost Bullet

Country: France

Directed by: Guillaume Pierret

Stars: Stéfi Celma, Nicolas Duvauchelle and Alban Lenoir

IMDb score: 6,3 (14.678)

Releasedate: 19 June 2020


Balle Perdue plot

A man works as a car mechanic for the police force. One day he is accused of murdering his mentor. He is innocent, but he has no evidence to prove his innocence. The only evidence that can help him is the bullet that committed the murder, but it's in the missing car. Who can he trust?

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avatar van Q Jones

Q Jones

  • 3483 messages
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Great fast paced action movie. That's how I like to watch them

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avatar van james_cameron


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Excellent film, this carefully constructed and excellently played French action thriller. In terms of action scenes and stunt work, perhaps not very spectacular, but what is there is exciting and above all clearly presented. The fights in particular look very good. Exciting plot, engaging characters and a nice pace. The ending isn't entirely satisfying, but that turns out to be for a reason: part two is coming soon.

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avatar van AniSter


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Get your mind off of it and watch. The French can do it. Tip: also view it in that language. In terms of action, I think this film scores higher than many American action of this kind. It looks good even though it is an average story. Right after this I watched the sequel; It's just as good in terms of action, but less so in terms of story.

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