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Up in Smoke (1978)

Comedy | 86 minutes
3,25 277 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 86 minuten

Alternative title: Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke

Country: United States

Directed by: Lou Adler

Stars: Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong and Strother Martin

IMDb score: 6,9 (41.570)

Releasedate: 16 May 1978

Up in Smoke plot

"The movie that'll have you rolling in the aisles."

Pedro De Pacas (Cheech Marin) and Man Stoner (Tommy Chong) are constantly looking for 'good grass' where you can roll those 'big joints' on the way - to Tijuana, Mexico in this case. The motto: 'Let's get down to some serious snorking.'

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Full Cast & Crew

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Pedro De Pacas

Anthony 'Man' Stoner

Arnold Stoner

Mrs. Tempest Stoner

Jail Bait

Jail Bait

Arresting Officer


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  • 9316 messages
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The ultimate slacker film, the first of its kind and, according to many, still the best. Pedro De Pacas [Cheech Marin] and Anthony Stoner [Tommy Chong] are two musicians with a common preference for soft drugs. Pedro picks up hitchhiker Stoner and together they travel to Tijuana, Mexico, hoping to find the ultimate drug. But hot on their heels by fanatical Sergeant Stedenko (Stacy Keach), they're not too bright sidekicks, forcing them to try different ways to outsmart the police.

This is corny at its finest, full of corny jokes, corny characters, and corny ideas like the car made entirely out of weed. Everything seems to be possible in this comedy, although it never completely falls over the edge of absurdity. Cheech & Chong are perfectly attuned to each other and Keach and cronies add to the humorous revelry quite a bit. An unpretentious, but very entertaining and above all relaxed comedy.

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Stoner comedies, it's not my thing like that. This film is more or less the mother of the genre, one that I mainly knew by name, but which I couldn't imagine much else with. So I gave it a chance, although my expectations were fairly low.

They also turned out to be somewhat filled in. Cheech and Chong are pretty annoying characters, whose humor revolves around weed and people who are stoned. If you can laugh about that then it is all very pleasant, but unfortunately the humor does not extend much further.

Story is not about anything, but that's not really important in these kinds of movies. Even a small added value, it in any case ensures that the film does not stop to push through some stupid morality. It remains very light and cheerful throughout the film, that's something.

All very thin, but it's never really been my sense of humor.


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  • 9 messages
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Stoner road movie from 1978.

The comedy duo Cheech & Chong, together in their most familiar roles as the Latino and the eternal hippie.

In this comical film, the 2 gentlemen indulge in all kinds of mind-expanding delicacies, especially cannabis...

This film really promotes this 'herb of forgetfulness' .

Tommy Chong portrays his role as the ultimate hippie very convincingly and credibly here: the gentleman still lives with his parents and has never worked, his life revolves around weed and LSD (apparently his only ambition) and so he is constantly high or in a trip.

His distorted perception of reality makes for silly jokes .

“Hey man, you saw that?

Did that really happen?”

Cheech Marin plays the Mexican migrant , who unexpectedly comes into contact with Chong , and from then on they are inseparable.

Marin, also not averse to smoking weed, gets into the wrong direction because of Chong's excessive drug use.

They are being chased by the law.

Up in Smoke.

The “haters”: the establishment, or anyone who doesn't use drugs is the anti-hero, seems to be the message this stoner comedy carries.

Bland humor with scenes like : unsuspecting civilian types accidentally coming into contact with cannabis smoke...

A nice bad film without a story, the humor keeps things going.


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