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Un Baiser S'il Vous Plaît (2007)

Comedy | 96 minutes
3,29 110 votes

Genre: Comedy / Romance

Duration: 96 minuten

Alternative title: Shall We Kiss?

Country: France

Directed by: Emmanuel Mouret

Stars: Virginie Ledoyen, Emmanuel Mouret and Julie Gayet

IMDb score: 6,7 (2.743)

Releasedate: 6 June 2007


Un Baiser S'il Vous Plaît plot

"True love is a complicated affair."

Emilie travels to Nantes for an evening and meets Gabriel. Both find each other attractive, but they each already have their own life. They know they will probably never see each other again. He would like to kiss her. So does she, but she remembers the story of someone else, a married woman who kissed her best friend. An innocent kiss that shouldn't have had any consequences for her, but turned out differently.

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